The single tube clock blinks out the current time number-by-number, which is surprisingly easy to read! This clock is utilizing a Russian IN-2 Nixie tube & Socket. The PCB was home-made (Toner transfer method) using a board designed by Grzegorz Karnas . The original design and code for the PIC 16F84A was created by 'Electronics and More' . The board incorporates both the High Voltage step-up circuit (designed by Lance Turner of 'LEDSales ') and the logic to run the clock. Power is supplied by a 9V wall-wart.
Grzegorz Karnas's website is all in Polish, but is still quite easy to follow :)
I just need to house it in something so curious fingers don't get burnt!
(The IN-2 had a different pin configuration from the original board design, jumper wires were used to correct this)